May Blog 2019 Channings Childcare
High Quality Child Care Service, Dedicated Team, Outdoor Play, Messy Play, Specialist Rooms
Welcome to our Channings Childcare May 2019 Blog
We have had an Ofsted inspection at Channings Rochdale recently and the feedback was very positive indeed. We were awarded a Good, however the inspector wanted us to know that it was a very comfortable Good!
Congratulations to all our hardworking managers and staff. Sharon, Diane, Mel and all the staff work relentlessly and should be very proud of the outcome. Congratulations team Rochdale. Ofsted do visit on a regular basis to ensure all standards are being met, in line with national standards, across all our nurseries.
The following Ofsted statements apply to Rochdale, however we are confident that they are applicable to any of our settings. Here are a couple of quotes from the inspection that we would like to share.
“Children’s behaviour shows they are settled and confident in this nurturing environment.”
“Staff offer children lots of kind words and smiles, which works particularly well for new children who are settling into the nursery.”
“Parents hold the staff in high regard and their comments are extremely complimentary”
Some other news from across our nurseries ….
We have had another busy month at Channings Childcare, including two Bank Holiday weekends and for some, it is half term this week. Summer is approaching; can we please remind you to send sun cream and hats for your children. Please ensure everything is clearly named too. We do far too many educational and social fun things to write about them all, so here’s a flavour…..
Channings Rochdale, of course are still feeling pleased with their successful Ofsted inspection. However everything continues as normal for the babies and children. They are loving their outdoor space during the lovely weather and have been producing beautiful artwork and being creative.
Channings Newhey have had lovely adventures including going to the local library. They enjoyed exploring the different textures in books, they also enjoyed pressing the buttons to hear the sounds they made.
Channings Royton have been busy as ever. They particularly enjoyed the outdoor activities and picnics in our garden during the recent glorious weather. The caterpillars and butterflies were a huge success at all our nurseries. A lovely way to learn about and appreciate nature.
Channings Chadderton Way children have had fun with so many activities. We love sharing the photographs on Facebook of our children being creative and having fun with everything from play dough, to paint, to shredded paper, to baking items, to outdoor play. Learning and having fun.
Channings Werneth had a very special visitor last week. The Mayor of Oldham came to see us; the children and staff dressed in pyjamas in aid of The Mayor’s charities. The Mayor enjoyed chatting to the children who were very excited to meet him and to see the beautiful Mayoral gold chain
Channings Middleton is undergoing several changes and improvements at the moment. It will be a week or two until we’re finished and then we will reveal the new look Channings Middleton. If you drive past you will see that we are developing the outside space, we have new fencing around the property.
Channings Kingsway is coming along too. We have our lovely colourful Channings sign to let everyone know where the 7th Channings will be opening later this year. There were glorious blue skies in Rochdale on the day our photographer visited as well.
Thank you for reading our May blog
Childcare Nursery, Babies, Toddlers, Pre School Children, Educational, Healthy Food, Qualified Staff, Rochdale

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